Wesberry, also a former US Government Accountability Office Adviser, talked about “Integrity and Honor, Corruption and Dishonor”. A multi-awarded international crusader against corruption, Wesberry came up with these character equations: “Integrity + Honesty + Accountability + Ethics + Credibility = HONORABILITY; Corruption + Fraud + Bribery + Irresponsibility + Inveracity = DISHONOR.”
To students aspiring to become auditors like him, Wesberry gave concrete examples of audit findings in local governments and discussed how advancements in the profession and real penalties discouraged fraudulent actions most of the time these were committed. Above all, he pointed out that integrity is the result of acting on wisdom arising from faith in God and noted that Filipinos had this character trait.

Photo shows UE President Ester A. Garcia presenting a plaque of appreciation to Wesberry Jr. With them are UE Graduate School Dean Avelina de la Rea (far right), and UE Graduate School Coordinators (from left) Dr. Marietta Otero (Arts and Sciences and Education program) and Dr. Elisa Puzon (Dentistry program).

Photo shows (from left) Wesberry Jr., UE Graduate School Dean Avelina de la Rea and Manila Bulletin President and Publisher Atty. Hermogenes P. Pobre.